
Tasmanian Aboriginal Shell Necklaces

Tasmanian Aboriginal Shell Necklaces

A visit to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) Exhibition, ‘Return to Country’ (Taypanimilaything-tu) renewed my interest in these beautiful and rare items, an interest which began in 2007 with my exhibition at ASA of 30 Antique and Contemporary Aboriginal shell necklaces, and later…

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Antique Paste Jewellery

Antique Paste Jewellery

My interest in antique paste jewellery goes back to the 1980’s when I purchased a demi- parure set with foiled amethyst paste stones set in cut down gilt settings. I loved the simplicity of the design and the brilliance of the coloured stones.

It was an Englishman, George Ravenscroft, who is credited with introducing lead

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Art Deco Treasures

Art Deco Treasures

We’re excited to share the news of a private collection of superb quality Art Deco jewels which has just arrived in time for Christmas.

Among it is a fabulous emerald pendant brooch by Collingwood & Co. Ltd., in its original case labelled ‘Jewellers to the Royal Family’…

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The House of Cartier – Family business to International Brand

The House of Cartier – Family business to International Brand

In 1847 Louis Cartier opened a small jewellery store in Paris.
In 1870 his son Alfred assumed leadership and organised the first exhibition in London.
In I898 his son Louis joined his father Alfred.
In 1898 Alfred’s sons Pierre and Jacques joined the company.
In 1899 the store moved to 13 Rue de la Paix, Paris.

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Mourning Jewellery

Mourning Jewellery

The 20th century Irish born artist Francis Bacon had a very simple view of mortality; “You live, you die. That’s it,”
This may be seen as a very bleak view of one of life’s inevitabilities, but in past centuries, before the development of medical science, death was omnipresent.

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Opals: Australia’s ‘Rainbow’ Gems

Opals: Australia’s ‘Rainbow’ Gems

I recently acquired a striking opal cameo set in silver as a ring. Depicting Nike, the goddess of Victory in Greek mythology, it has been attributed to the celebrated German gem carver Wilhelm Schmidt (1845-1938) and dated circa 1880.

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